Thursday 30 April 2015

Tongue Scrapers Offer An Option For Halitosis

How Tongue Scrapers Work
If you suffer from halitosis, or chronic bad breath, you’re probably looking for ways to help manage the problem. If so, consider a tongue scraper. They’re relatively inexpensive and available at most pharmacies. Tongue scrapers are often touted as the way to improve bad breath, but there is very little research to show that they are any more effective than simply brushing the tongue with your toothbrush as part of your toothbrushing routine.

Trying a tongue scraper can’t hurt, and they’re easy to use. Simply hold the scraper at the back of your tongue, and bring it forward, scraping gently but firmly along the tongue as you go.

Although tongue scrapers are harmless, you can probably prevent halitosis just as well by following a consistent oral care routine of twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing. And keep these points in mind as part of your daily oral hygiene plan:

  • Keep your toothbrush fresh. Be sure to replace your toothbrush every 3 to 4 months, even if you don’t have bad breath, but especially if you do.
  • Keep an extra brush at work. Keep a spare toothbrush and toothpaste at work so you can brush your teeth after lunch.
  • Drink plenty of water. Keeping your mouth moist helps minimize the amount of bacteria in your mouth that can cause bad breath.

The above article is from:

Center for Advanced Dentistry  
Ushma Patel, DMD   
6916 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suite 500    
Suwanee, GA 30024    
(770) 623-8750

Thursday 23 April 2015

Beat Your Bad Breath

What are Common Bad Breath Causes?
If you suffer from chronic, severe bad breath, also known as halitosis, it's important to identify the cause so you can determine an effective treatment.

Halitosis has many causes, including the following:

  • Tobacco use. If you smoke, quit. Your bad breath may be due to other causes, too, but tobacco use is a guarantee of bad breath. If you are ready to quit, ask your doctor or dentist for advice and support.
  • What you eat, or don't eat. Certain foods, such as garlic, contribute to bad breath, but only temporarily. Once they are absorbed into the bloodstream, the smell is expelled through the breath, but the odors remain until the body processes the food, so there’s no quick fix.
  • Dry mouth. If your mouth is extremely dry, there is not enough saliva to wash away excess food particles and bacteria, which can cause an unpleasant smell if they build up on the teeth.
  • Infections. Bad breath that seems to have no other cause may indicate an infection elsewhere in the body. If you have chronic bad breath and your dentist rules out any oral problems, see your doctor for an evaluation. Bad breath can be a sign of a range of conditions including respiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis, diabetes, or liver and kidney problems, so it's important not to ignore the problem.

The best way to improve bad breath is to follow a thorough oral care routine including twice-daily tooth brushing and daily flossing to remove the food particles and bacteria that can cause bad breath. Mouthwashes only improve bad breath for the short term, and if you have a chronic problem, your dentist may suggest an antimicrobial rinse to help keep bacteria at bay.

The above article is from:

Center for Advanced Dentistry   
Ushma Patel, DMD   
6916 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suite 500   
Suwanee, GA 30024   
(770) 623-8750

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Professional Teeth Whitening Services

Powerful Professional-Strength Teeth Whitening Options

Professional Teeth Whitening Suwanee GA

Everyone finds a bright, white smile to be attractive. And such a smile is most important to you. It gives you confidence in your interaction with others, and a brilliant smile creates a lasting impression with those you meet.

Dr. Patel provides a safe, simple way to dramatically whiten teeth. It is an in-office treatment called ZOOM!™ Whitening. Perhaps you have seen the results it can offer on television. This process works quickly and produces results that are long lasting. There is little to no sensitivity, and it is a safe as well as effective technique in the hands of a dental professional. You can eliminate any stains or darkness in just one session! Your teeth can become brilliantly white for a number of years from just one treatment.

ZOOM Professional Teeth Whitening Suwanee GA

We also offer another professional whitening method that uses custom-made trays produced in our office lab. You complete the procedure at home with the instructions and supplies we give you. This is also a safe and effective technique. You can expect to see results between 1 – 14 days. We provide everything you need for successful at-home whitening for a beautiful smile.

Center for Advanced Dentistry  
Ushma Patel, DMD  
6916 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suite 500  
Suwanee, GA 30024  
(770) 623-8750

Friday 3 April 2015

Migraine Headache Dental Treatment

Do You Suffer from Headaches and Jaw Pain?

TMJ TMD Treatment Dentist Suwanee GA

TMJ/TMD is often a leading cause of jaw, neck, and shoulder pain as well as frequent headaches or migraines. A dental malocclusion is the reason, which means your bite does not come together as nature intended. This causes the muscles in the scalp, jaw, and adjacent areas to be strained, which leads to pain.

We can restore your bite to its proper position, so you no longer have to put up with frequent pain and suffering. You reap the benefits with increased energy from diminished pain. This new quality to your life will have you smiling more often.

Center for Advanced Dentistry  
Ushma Patel, DMD  
6916 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suite 500  
Suwanee, GA 30024  
(770) 623-8750